제닉스 안경에 오신 것을 환영합니다

부산에 위치한 저희 안경 가게는 품질 높은 안경을 저렴한 가격에 제공합니다. 고객님들의 만족을 위해 항상 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

Four pairs of eyeglasses are laid out on top of lifestyle magazines. The glasses have different frame colors: black, pink, blue, and clear. A pinecone lies nearby, adding a decorative element to the setting. The magazines display minimalist designs and text, contributing to a clean aesthetic.
Four pairs of eyeglasses are laid out on top of lifestyle magazines. The glasses have different frame colors: black, pink, blue, and clear. A pinecone lies nearby, adding a decorative element to the setting. The magazines display minimalist designs and text, contributing to a clean aesthetic.



고객 만족도

품질 보장

위치 안내

부산에 위치한 제닉스 안경은 품질 높은 안경을 저렴하게 제공합니다. 언제든지 방문해 주세요.


부산광역시 중구 중앙대로 123


09:00 - 18:00

고객 리뷰

제닉스 안경의 품질과 가격에 대한 고객들의 생생한 후기입니다.

제닉스 안경에서 구매한 안경이 정말 마음에 들어요. 품질이 뛰어나고 가격도 저렴합니다.

Multiple pairs of eyeglasses arranged neatly on a display rack. The eyeglasses come in various colors and frame styles, and they are evenly spaced and organized in rows.
Multiple pairs of eyeglasses arranged neatly on a display rack. The eyeglasses come in various colors and frame styles, and they are evenly spaced and organized in rows.


제닉스 안경에서 구매한 안경은 디자인이 멋지고 착용감이 우수합니다. 추천합니다!

A stylish eyewear store interior featuring a wall shelf with a variety of eyeglasses and decorative items. Above the shelf, a neon sign glows softly with the words 'taste it.' The wall panels are a warm brown color, contrasting with the sleek, modern aesthetic. The foreground includes a display counter with a glass top, set against a patterned tiled floor. A cozy seating arrangement with a small table is visible on the left, and a door labeled 'Opticalab' is on the right side of the image.
A stylish eyewear store interior featuring a wall shelf with a variety of eyeglasses and decorative items. Above the shelf, a neon sign glows softly with the words 'taste it.' The wall panels are a warm brown color, contrasting with the sleek, modern aesthetic. The foreground includes a display counter with a glass top, set against a patterned tiled floor. A cozy seating arrangement with a small table is visible on the left, and a door labeled 'Opticalab' is on the right side of the image.

